Title: Towards a Tarski-Bhartriharian Approach to the Liar's Paradox
Author: βœ¨πŸ’–mew(^β—•α΄₯β—•^)πŸ’–βœ¨


The Liar's paradox has shown the limitations of language and logic for centuries, if not longer. In this paper, we explore the Liar's paradox through a novel Tarski-Bhartriharian approach, which combines Tarski's semantics of truth with Bhartrihari's view on context-dependent truth. This highlights the role of causality in understanding paradoxical statements. I will present an analysis of this paradox and its implications for truth, logic, and the philosophy of language broadly. Additionally, we will engage with potential objections and alternative viewpoints to provide a detailed, comprehensive perspective on the Liar's paradox.

Defining Key Notation and Terminology

Before delving into the analysis, let us define some key notation and terminology:

L: The content of the Liar's paradox, a self-referential statement that says, "This statement is false." β„’: A language containing L. ⌜L⌝: A symbol that represents the Liar's paradox in the language β„’. Tr(x): A predicate that indicates whether the statement represented by x is true or not. Eⁿ: An event that occurs at a particular point in time, which is a result of previous events.

Background: Tarski and Bhartrihari

Alfred Tarski was a prominent logician and philosopher who developed a formal theory of truth and semantics. His truth definition is represented by the equation:

$$Tr(⌜L⌝) ⇔ L$$

This equation states that ⌜L⌝ is true if and only if L is true. That is to say, the truth of the statement and that of the proposition it represents are interchangeable. Tarski's definition of truth offers a way to talk about the truth of statements without running into paradoxes like the Liar's paradox.

Bhartrihari was an 5th century Hindu linguistic philosopher who contributed significantly grammar, logic, and philosophy as a whole. For this approach, truth is dependent on context rather than being absolute, and the meaning of a statement depends on various factors (the speaker's intentions and the presuppositions of the listener). This approach involves combining those of Tarski and Bhartrihari.

Comparing the Tarski-Bhartriharian Approach to Other Perspectives

To better understand the unique contribution of the Tarski-Bhartriharian approach, we must compare it to other perspectives on the Liar's paradox. Classic approaches to resolving the paradox, such as Russell's theory of types, attempt to prevent self-reference by imposing a hierarchy on the language. In contrast, the Tarski-Bhartriharian approach does not restrict self-reference but instead explores the impact of context-dependent truth and causality on paradoxical statements.

The Liar's Paradox and Tarski's Truth Definition

The Liar's paradox (L) can be shown as an equation representing its paradoxical nature:


Assuming ⌜L⌝ is true, it's implied that L must be false as the statement says, "This statement is false." Conversely, if we assume ⌜L⌝ is false, that implies L must be true because the statement says, "This statement is false." Meaning L is both true and false at the same time. This is what leads to the paradoxical nature of the statement.

The Capture and Release Steps

The "capture" step is represented by the following equation:

$$Capture: L⊒Tr(⌜L⌝)$$

This step states that if we assume L is true, then ⌜L⌝ must also be true according to Tarski's truth definition. The truth value of L is captured and transferred to ⌜L⌝.

The "release" step is represented by the following equation:

$$Release: Tr(⌜L⌝)⊒L$$

This step states that if we know ⌜L⌝ is true, then L must also be true according to Tarski's truth definition. The truth value of ⌜L⌝ is released and transferred back to L.

By repeatedly applying the capture and release steps, we get an alternating sequence of truth values for L: true, false, true, false, and so on. This sequence does not converge to a single truth value because the Liar's paradox is self-contradictory.

Causality and Context-Dependent Truth

The steps of the capture and release system are a causal chain of events(E) such that (EΒΉ, EΒ², EΒ³...). The Liar's paradox being true is dependent on which event we are currently releasing. That is to say, the truth of L will depend on what E has preceded our current E. To put it more simply, the truth of the Liar's paradox is based on the present moment. L is never generally true or false, but is always context dependent.

Let's use an example to illustrate this in effect: Consider a scenario where the speaker utters the Liar's paradox to the speaker. The listener's will interpret the truth of the paradox's value depending on factors like their prior knowledge and the assumed intentions of the speaker. If aware of the paradox, the listener may interpret the statement as true or false given the context, those being the speaker's intentions as understood by the listener, as well as the specific chain of events that led to the utterance.

Implications of the Argument

The Tarski-Bhartriharian approach to the Liar's paradox has several implications for our understanding of truth and logic:

1. Truth as context-dependent: The breakdown of the Liar's paradox suggests that truth can be context-dependent, with the truth value of a statement being relative to the present moment and the specific chain of events. This perspective challenges the traditional view of truth as a fixed, absolute property of statements and highlights the importance of context in determining truth values.

2. Inherent paradoxical statements: The Liar's paradox might indicate that some statements are inherently paradoxical and cannot be assigned a consistent truth value. This poses serious questions about the limits of language and logic as they're currently understood, not to mention the boundaries of what can be expressed and understood using them.

3. Impact on other paradoxes: The analysis of the Liar's paradox can also affect our understanding of other logical paradoxes (examples being the Barber paradox and Russell's paradox). In using this understanding of context-dependent truth, we may develop new insights into the nature of these conundrums, which could help us in turn to develop a more intuitive semantics.

Potential Objections and Alternative Viewpoints

Some possible objections to the argument or alternative viewpoints include:

1. Limitations of formal language or logic systems: Critics might argue that the Liar's paradox exposes a limitation in our formal language or logic systems, rather than revealing a fundamental aspect of truth. They might suggest that the paradox arises from an improper use of self-reference or other linguistic features and can be avoided by refining our language and logic systems. In response, proponents of the Tarski-Bhartriharian approach could emphasize the need to develop more nuanced theories of truth and logic that account for context-dependent truth and the role of causality in understanding paradoxical statements.

2. Hierarchical approaches: Some may favor hierarchical approaches, like Russell's theory of types, that attempt to resolve the Liar's paradox by imposing a hierarchy on the language and preventing self-reference. However, the Tarski-Bhartriharian approach argues that restricting self-reference may not be necessary, as it explores the implications of context-dependent truth and causality for paradoxical statements without eliminating self-reference altogether.

3. Alternative theories of truth: Other philosophers might propose alternative theories of truth, such as the deflationary or pragmatic theories, that offer different perspectives on the Liar's paradox. These alternative theories might challenge the Tarski-Bhartriharian approach by presenting alternative solutions to the paradox that do not rely on context-dependent truth or causality. Proponents of the Tarski-Bhartriharian approach would need to engage with these alternative theories and defend the unique insights provided by their perspective.


The Tarski-Bhartriharian interpretation of the Liar's paradox offers a unique perspective on the paradox by combining Tarski's and Bhartrihari's understandings of context-dependent truth. This approach emphasizes the causality and context when understanding paradoxical statements, and provides us with insights into the nature of truth, logic, and the philosophy of language. By engaging with potential objections and alternative viewpoints, I hope the Tarski-Bhartriharian approach contributes to the ongoing debate on the Liar's paradox and deepens our understanding of this enduring philosophical puzzle.