import random
# name type 1 "harry potter obama""
hp = ["harry potter ", "hermoine granger ", "Spongebob ", "ronald weaseley ", "albus dumbledore ", "jenny weasely ", "cho chang ", 'gilderoy lockheart ', 'Lord Voldemort ', 'Draco Malfoy ', 'Iron Man ', 'Incredible Hulk ', 'Spider Man ', 'Edward Cullen ', 'Bella Swan ', 'Christian Gray ', 'Ayn Rand ', 'Karl Marx ', 'John Galt ', 'Luke Skywalker ', 'R2D2 ', 'BB8 ', 'Hello Kitty ', 'Obi Wan', 'Angel Dust', 'Piper Perri', 'Mia Khalifa', 'Buck Angel', 'Jeffre Starr', 'Lady Gaga', 'Simon Cowell', 'Fred Durst', 'Sasha Grey', 'Elliot Page', 'Ed Gein']
o = ["Obama", "Trump", "Biden", "Bush", "Clinton", "Stalin", " Carter", "Reagan", "Nixon", "Ford", 'Roosevelt', ' Eisenhower', 'Lincoln', 'Washington', 'Zelensky', 'Elsa', 'Merida', 'Gandalf', 'Fetterman', 'Orbán', 'Bolsonaro', 'Putin', 'Jinping', 'Bezos','Epstein','Muskrat', 'Goku', 'Gohan', 'Piccolo', 'Vegeta', 'Slenderman', 'The Vampire Slayer', 'Borat']
# colors (primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.)
pr = random.choice(col)
sec = random.choice(col)
tri = random.choice(col)
qua = random.choice(col)
penta = random.choice(col)
colo = [pr,sec,tri,qua]
colo2 = [pr,pr,pr,sec,tri,qua]
colo3 = [colo2,penta]
colo4 = [sec,tri,qua]
tees = (random.choice(tee)+ " tee shirt")
newyears = (random.randint(1950,5000) , "New Years glasses")
# Home
home = ['Green Hills Zone', 'Earth', 'Morbius', 'Mobius', 'Narnia', 'Arendal', 'Labyrinth Zone', 'Marble Zone','Scrap Brain Zone','Sky Base Zone','Star Light Zon','Special Zone','Aquatic Ruin Zone', 'Casino Night Zone','Chemical Plant Zone', 'Chao Garden (neutral)', 'Chao Garden (evil)', 'Chao Garden(good)', 'Death Egg', 'Emerald Hill Zone','Hidden Place Zone','Hill Top Zone','Mystic Cave Zone','Oil Ocean Zone','Wing Fortress Zone','Collision Chaos Zone',' Desert Dazzle Zone', 'Metallic Madness Zone', 'Pittsburg','Palmtree Panic Zone','Las Vegas, New Mexico', 'Blythe, California','Quartz Quadrant Zone','Perris, California','Stardust Speedway Zone','Tidal Tempest Zone', 'Hemet, California','Wacky Workbench Zone','Angel Island','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Hydrocity Zone','Marble Garden Zone','Carnival Night Zone','Ice Cap Zone','Launch Base Zone','Aqua Planet','Electric Egg Zone','Gigalopolis Zone','Destiny Islands', 'Traverse Town','Pallet Town','Sleeping Egg Zone','Turquoise Hill Zone','Atomic Destroyer Zone','Great Turquoise Zone','Meta Junglira Zone','Robotnik Winter Zone','Sunset Park Zone','Tidal Plant Zone','Flying Battery Zone','Lava Reef Zone','Mushroom Hill Zone','Sandopolis Zone','Battle Fortess','Caron Forest','Cavern Island','Cocoa Island','Green Island','Lake Crystal','Lake Rocky','Chișinău', 'Tiraspol', 'Pyongyang','Polly Mountain', 'Kowloon Walled City','Poloy Forest','Volcanic Tunnel','Blue Marine Zone','Green Hill Zone (Sonic Blast)','Red Volcano Zone','Silver Castle Zone','Yellow Desert Zone','Diamond Dust Zone','Flicky Island','Green Grove Zone','Rusty Ruin Zone','Volcano Valley Zone','Radical City Zone''Reactive Factory Zone','Regal Ruin Zone','Resort Island Zone','Casinopolis','Emerald Coast','Lost World','Mystic Ruins','Red Mountain','Sand Hill','Twinkle Park','Windy Valley','Dry Lagoon','Green Forest','Iron Gate','Prison Island','Sand Ocean','Space Colony ARK','White Jungle','Wild Canyon','Chao Ruins','Emerald Beach','Emerald Town','Gimme Shelter','Holy Summit','Metal Depot','Sonic Heroes','Bullet Station','Casino Park','Frog Forest','Hang Castle','Lost Jungle','Mystic Mansion','Ocean Palace','Sea Gate','Seaside Hill','Aquatic Base','Crisis City','Dusty Desert','End Of The World','Flame Core','Kingdom Valley','Radical Train','Tropical Jungle','Wave Ocean','White Acropolis','Circus Park','Death Ruins','Lava Shelter','Sonic Rush','Dead Line Zone','Huge Crisis Zone','Leaf Storm Zone','Mirage Road Zone','Night Carnival Zone','Water Palace Zone']
# Accessories
gla = ['Sunglasses', 'Aviator Shades', 'Nerd Glasses', 'Monocle', '3d glasses', 'night vision goggles', 'Locs','Raybans','80s Asymmetric sunglasses', newyears]
gla2 = random.choice(gla)
medallion = ("Iced out ", random.choice(o) + "funko pop medallion")
necklace = ['Sonichu medallion', 'Milennium Puzzle', 'Spinner rim medallion', 'iced out knuckles', medallion, 'Joey Mousepad medallion', 'discord kitten collar']
acc = [gla2, tees, 'wedding dress', 'dress', 'kimono', 'knight armor', 'viking armor', 'samurai armor', 'ninja uniform', 'Wallet Chain', 'Roller Skates', 'Heelies', 'Goth Boots', 'Headphones', 'Tiara', 'Crown', 'Viking Helmet', 'Samurai Helmet', 'Crusader Helmet','Flower Crown']
acc2 = [random.choice(acc), 'None']
# Personality
per = ['ESTJ', 'ENTJ', 'ESFJ', 'ENFJ', 'ISTJ', 'ISFJ', 'INTJ', 'INFJ', 'ESTP', 'ESFP', 'ENTP', 'ENFP', 'ISTP', 'ISFP', 'INTP', 'INFP']
# Hierarchy
hi = ['alpha', 'sigma', 'beta', 'delta', 'gamma', 'theta', 'omega','alpha', 'sigma','alpha', 'sigma','alpha', 'sigma','alpha', 'sigma', 'sigma', 'sigma', 'sigma', 'sigma', 'sigma']
# Fur Pattern
fur = ['Basic','Basic','Basic','Basic','Basic','Basic','Basic','Basic', 'Leopard Spots', 'Cheeta Spots','Tiger Stripes','Zebra Stripes','Giraffe Spots','Calico Spots','Checkered', 'Per Pale left', 'Per Bend','Per Chevron', 'Per Saltire', 'Quarterly','Gyronny','Pily','Checky','Lozengy','Barry', 'Paly', 'Bendy', 'Chevronny']
# Weapon
weapon = ["stick", "sword", "dagger", "shotgun", "pistol", "SMG", "Mac 10", "AR15", "spear", "halberd", "mace", "rifle", "pistol", "bomb", "shuriken", "boomerang", "katana", "rapier", "dha", "macahuitl", "jarid", "javelin", "glaive", "bardiche", "partizan", "spadroon", "spidroon", "dao", "jin", "da dao", "fu pa", "kwan dao", "rope dart", "meteor hammer", "flail", "nunchaku", "bill hook", "main gauche", "butcher's knife", "blunderbuss", "sock filled with coins", "knife boot","tessen", "hunga munga", "bastard sword", "arming sword", "side sword", "town sword", "small sword", "gauntlet", "bar mace", "jin", "kris", "zweihander", "gladius", "cane sword", "gauss rifle", "ray gun", "saw horse", "gourd", "tankard", "war scythe", "pike", "pole flail", "machete", "tanto", "sai", "butterfly knives", "deer antler knives", "shield", "targe", "chakram", "shamshir", "pole sling", "chain sling", "flying guillotine", "chain whip", "crossbow"]
weapon2 = [random.choice(weapon), 'Roll attack', 'Fists']
# Hair
hair = ['Pixie cut','Bob','Medium length','Bun','Space Buns', 'Ponytail', 'Goku Hair', 'Yugioh Hair', 'Ojou ringlets']
hair2 = ['Dreadlocks','Mohawk', 'Emo hair', random.choice(hair)]
hair3 =[random.choice(hair2), 'Sonic']
# Credit score
print("Random Hedgehog OC")
print("Name:", random.choice(hp), random.choice(o))
print("birthday (DMY):", random.randint(1,30),"/",random.randint(1,12),'/', random.randint(1,5000))
print('Pronouns: ', random.choice(pronouns))
print('Hair style:', random.choice(hair3))
print("Fur Pattern:", random.choice(fur))
print("Spine 1:", random.choice(colo2))
print("Spine 2:", random.choice(colo2))
print("Spine 3:", random.choice(colo2))
print("Spine 4:", random.choice(colo2))
print("Tail:", random.choice(colo))
print("Shoes:", random.choice(colo))
print("Shoe accent:", random.choice(colo))
print("Right glove:", random.choice(colo))
print("Right glove trim:", random.choice(colo))
print("Left glove:", random.choice(colo))
print("Left glove trim:", random.choice(colo))
print("Eyes:", random.choice(colo))
print("Cupid's ridge:", random.choice(colo))
print("Mouth:", random.choice(colo))
print("Home:", random.choice(home))
print("Accessories:", random.choice(acc2))
print('Personality:', random.choice(per))
print("Social Hierarchy Class:", random.choice(hi))
print("Favorite Food:", random.choice(food))
print("Weapon:", random.choice(weapon2))
print("Credit Score:", random.randint(300,850))
print("Yearly Income: $", random.randint(2000, 40000))